Mysteries lurk beneath the surfaces of fantasy realms, where dark elves spin their intricate webs of evil and dark magic. Perhaps most mysterious are the Drow, those mysterious yet white-haired, dark-skinned, underdark denizens who remain forever wrapped up in Lolth’s grasp as their spider goddess.
Dungeons & Dragons features dark beings known as Drow. From delving into deep caverns or your next campaign to simply discovering them on an adventure map – having the ideal Drow name can create an immersive and rewarding experience!
Welcome to a journey into the unsettling yet intriguing world of the Drow, where every name hints at power, intrigue, and dark beauty. Enjoy exploring over 300 names—your gateway into unforgettable characters and thrilling tales.
Female Drow Names And Meanings
Female names embody strength, cunning, and mystique, and they are perfect for creating complex characters in storytelling! Opting for these names adds depth and authenticity to any storytelling while making them integral to shaping your Drow heroine’s identity.
- Xena: A warrior princess
- Althea: Power to heal
- Zayada: The one with too much power
- Akoraa: The queen of destruction
- Aimilios: From ancient Greek, meaning strength
- Alyace: The legendary dancer
- Adira: One with strength
- Alaunaca: An influential expert
- Isa: Meaning the strong-willed
- Edrei: A strong woman
- Charavin: The Guardian
- Lenna: The princess with the heart of a lion
- Akortha Uloavae
- Balna Cormrael
- Dirza Glaurach
- Ebonara
- Eilistraee Thalyn
- Faelarith Xunith
- Ghiri Eilsrret
- Ghidre Zaphresz
- Helyndra Karsis
- Honra Taulur
- Illyndra Xulthra
- Imbera Myzynge
- Jaelda Tanor’Thal
- Lythra K’ryndra
- Melethra Vaelith
- Micarni Glauriwin
- Mizma Baenneld
- Molnu Aleund
- Naelithra Drystra
- Nyxira Menzolth
- Phaere Argiom
- Sassara Helvuae
- Shurva Torghym
- Shynre Hunzruae
- Sylraeth Nyctara
- Talbra Quavein
- Thalindra Faerith
- Tzindra Yalveth
- Urmele Daliwin
- Vaelithra Zhalandra
- Vexara Shurrae
- Vyrahna Zhyli
- Waerdy Maeval
- Waerva Gallaer
- Xazira Arabneld
- Xilara Duskryn
- Xulfy Dinoryn
- Xylara K’ryndra
- Yasra Nirabban
- Yalindria Valrissa
- Yllynara Vostria
- Yvonre Jusztiirn
- Zenda T’sach
- Zeska Dalorzza
- Zesla Claddani
- Zhyla Menzalith
- Zilva Daevyl
- Zylthara Melith
Male Grow Names
- Dantrag
- Dandrin
- Dinin
- Dinlyn Rhomduil
- Drizzt
- Duagloth Zaphrylan
- Dyrr
- Faeryl
- Ghaundar Dilion’lyr
- Gromph
- Halisstra
- Hounnel Aleafin
- IIvara
- Ildan Faertala
- Iymton Torval
- Jaezvir Hlaviir
- Jarlaxle
- Jeggred
- Kelnet Seerear
- Kophyn Orlyund
- Lireal
- Llaulmyn Abbaulur
- Malaggar
- Micarlin Tuin
- Minolin Freiryn
- Nimor
- Nimruil Hlat’tar
- Nauzhror
- Pharaun
- Quevven Godearn
- Ravel
- Riklaureth Uloryn
- Rinnill Zaphruil
- Rizzen
- Ryld
- Sabal Galloryn
- Solaufein
- Sorn Chaulssin
- Tallil A’Daragon
- Targos Helviiryn
- Tos’un
- T’rissin
- Vaelic
- Valas
- Vierna
- Vielyn Illykur
- Veldrin Eilsana
- Vhurindrar Kent’tar
- Vorn
- Vuzlyn Zauvaeir
- Zaknafein
- Zammzt
- Tazagh Dhunnyl
Funny Drow Names

Are you searching for hilarious name ideas? Fantastic! Doing so brings light-hearted fun into the often dark and serious Drow lore, leading to more laughter and creativity around your table. Explore our list below!
- Drizz’t of the Dance Floor
- Ebony Chuckles
- Mirthful Menzoberranzan
- Gigglespider
- Darksnicker
- Lolf’s Laughter
- Jest’ress
- Snickerdrow
- Jokeshadow
- Guffaw of Gloom
- Zany Z’reska
- Humorweb
- Lolth’s Lulz
- Shadowprankster
- Quipquiver
- Jesterdrizzt
- Laughingdark
- Mirthmistress
- Chuckleweb
- Wittywebspinner
Dnd Drow Names
- Alaavia Draldeth
- Alaia Nyraguth
- Alashadi Zahnei
- Alatra Beznon
- Alatra Heldrilo
- Baruonna Nordoc
- Barushadi Mamelor
- Brizrae Zelrud
- Brizsha Dralreid
- Darrayne Zabraeh
- Elyrayne Favido
- Iniklene Crusera
- Inikonna Wenido
- Icirysn Canraeh
- Icitra Zabdaal
- Icizara Redriar
- Kouonna Helahi
- Kourayne Ulniu
- Llivvimu Alvosera
- Lymimi Draldroth
- Lymshadi Cruido
- Lymtra Ullas
- Nalarra Khonvilo
- Naldulsea Zahgore
- Nothsur Herdoc
- Novvimu Bezmaid
- Resresi Zelvilo
- Resril Crudeth
- Resril Helreid
- Resro Cangore
- Restra Zahrud
- Reszara Cruguth
- Ressha Cruahi
- Rhylene Helsera
- Rhyriina Cannon
- Salkra Giedendrilo
- Sulnea Chemdoc
- Sultra Chemahi
- Sulro Norniu
- Teryhada Canniu
- Teryril Khondaal
- Vanhada Crumiu
- Vannea Tolgren
- Vankra Favahi
- Vanshadi Dhuinvilo
- Vikril Hergore
- Vilrae Bharudruic
- Zidhada Zelahi
- Zidrae Zahsera
- Zidvimu Bezgore
Half Drow Names

- Andak Fastcaller
- Balbaste Icharyd
- Chadzina Rhomdyrr
- Chakos Dinoryn
- Chandara Keteerass
- Charlie Grag
- Draven
- Dylan Heartgazer
- Eclavdra Freth
- Heidrun Ostrone
- Illyria
- Jivvin Zolond
- Kaldor
- Lyraesel
- Lysandra
- Malchior
- Mirthal Oloren
- Nathrae Kent’tar
- Nendra Helvith
- Nyssara
- Pointears
- Quarra Filar
- Relonor Orlyund
- Shurdriira Tlin’uan
- Shurraenil Zaphruil
- Shyntlara Philiom
- Syrenna
- Sylvara
- Tarlyn Melmtor
- Thessalia
- Tiara Biltram
- Tolokoph Mylyl
- Torxiar Irongrip
- Tsabrak Dalorzza
- Ulitree Dinuil
- Vaelen
- Vhurindrar Galloryn
- Wilf Mournclaw
- Xandrith
- Xyndra
- Zephyra
Drow Last Names
These last names exude elegance and mystery, reflecting deep histories in their syllables. Their names often reflect traits or deeds associated with power or shadowy allure. They beautifully reflect this heritage, highlighting hidden stories and profound legacies that span throughout time!
- Abaeir: Dark or hidden place
- Abbylan: A sense of unity or cooperation among family members
- A’Dararn: Night’s legacy
- Aleanana: Keeper
- Arabtyl: Mistress of shadows
- ArchakNaibo
- Argith: Ambition or striving for power
- Argith: Infernal power
- Baenre
- Beltaulur: Related to crafting or skill
- Blaerabban: Mystery or enigma
- Blundyth: Resilience or strength
- Chabor
- Chaulssin: Connection to a particular city or region in the Underdark
- Chaulssin: Forgotten Citadel
- Coborel: Elegance or refinement
- Cormrael: Spider’s web
- Daevion’lyr: Dance of shadows
- Dalael: Sorrowful bloodline
- Daluan: Misfortune
- Del’Armgo
- Delyl: Mysteries
- Despzynge: Legacy
- Dhalmass: Dominance and control
- Dhunnistyn: Dominion of shadows
- Dhunnyl: Serpent’s whisper
- Doavae: Manipulation of fate and destiny
- DriiUpoth
- Duskryn
- E’eendar
- FaenTlabbar
- Faertala: Beauty or allure
- Fey-Branche
- Filifar: Nature
- Glannath: Water or the sea
- Glaurach: Darkness
- Helviiryn: Health or well-being
- Helviund: Echo
- Horlbar
- Hun’rae: Cursed
- Hunzrin: Clever
- Hunzrin
- H’Tithe
- Hyluil: Moonlit elegance
- Ilaleztice: Dark destiny
- Illistyn: Eternal ambition
- Illykur: Mystic enigma
- Ixit’shii
- Kenafin
- Kilani: Loyalty and honour
- Kilsek: Silent blade
- Lueltond: Ancient heritage
- Lueltune: Harmony
- Millithor
- Myzzrym
- Nenna: Hidden truths
- Neiren
- Nurbonnis
- Pharn
- Shobalar
- Srune’Lett
- Symryvvin
- Tiamyn
- Triem’lokth
- Tuin’Tarl
- Vandree
Good Drow Names
- Briza: Associated with the wind
- Chandara: The moon
- Imrae: Strength
- Jalal: Loftiness and greatness
- Vielyyn Hun’val
- Vierriddia Blundyth
- Xa’rann Freth
- Zen’dallur Jhalavar
- Z’ress Yauthlo
- Jalal: Meaning majesty, loftiness, and greatness
- Kinleigh: Meaning a fair-haired warrior
- Lyme: The brighter one
- Malag: The mysterious drow
- Mara: Meaning nightmares
- Masthaer: Beautiful sight
- Nulliira Coloara
- Phyrra Ssambra
- Shinsstra Mlezziir
- T’risstree Filar
- T’rissolin Tlin’uan
- Tor’ggos Coborel
- Vesszdrin Hune
- Menzothel: The guided gambler
- Micar: The lost one
- Oussafin: Shadows and darkness
- Perdita: Refers to being lost
- G’eldriia Do’ett
- Hal’elra Omriwin
- Hatch’net Mizzrym
- Ichharyyd Maeate
- Illmryn Rilynghym
- Jhanniss Duskryn
- Pharyrd: The captain
- Phyrra: Depicts the red-hot flames
- Rel: Resilient
- Rhyl: The moon
- Rylu: The art of being patient
- Sarn: Dangerous
- Sav: The mischievous drow
- Scasyn: The Superior
- Shav: The envious one
- Shimyra: Meaning god’s light
- Shimyra: Meaning the light of god
- Sorn: The enchanted one
- Suss: The shining light
- Tohopka: Referring to a wild beast
- Wynonna: Meaning the first male child
- Zinead: Refers to mercy and forgiveness
- Ak’orrdia Tuil
- Berg’inyon Daevion’lyr
- Charrill Melmtor
- Cor’anzen Illistyn
- Jhulae Chaulssinn
- K’yorl Melndar
- K’yorius Lueltar
- Mez’Barfaere Arabndar
- Mez’Barris Hyluan
- Miz’ri Kilval
- Zolyn: Cold and unyielding natures
- Amalika: Meaning peerless
Drow City Names

Drow city names conjure images of mystery and danger, which are ideal settings for adventurous spirits who embrace danger with abandon. Imagine labyrinthine streets, shadowy corners, and secrets lying dormant all across these sprawling metropolises; their intricate politics and dark beauty draw daring adventurers in to discover, uncover, and survive their depths.
- Abaethaggar
- Abburth
- Baereghel
- Chaulssin
- Ched Nasad
- Dallnar Szithax
- Erelhei-Cinlu
- Eryndlyn
- Faneadar
- Guallidurth
- Haundrauth
- Ithilaughym
- Jhachalkhyn
- Karsoluthiyl
- Kiaransalee
- Llecerellyn
- Llurth Dreir
- Maerimydra
- Menzoberranzan
- Orlytlar
- Rilauven
- Sschindylryn
- Sshamath
- Sshanntynlan
- Szith Morcane
- Szithlin
- Telnarquel
- T’lindhet
- Tyrybblyn
- Uluitur
- Undraeth
- Undrek’Thoz
- Ungethal
- Ust Natha
- Vaerndoun
- V’elddrinnsshar
- Yuethindrynn
- Zirnakaynin
Tips To Create The Perfect Names For Drows
Here are some suggestions or guidelines you should follow if you want the best names:
1. Use A Drow Names Generator:
Utilizing a Drow Names Generator can give your character’s names an authentic sound while at the same time giving the atmosphere of darkness that characterizes Drow culture. These tools often combine words or sounds that capture this essence perfectly.
2. Include Dark Elven Elements:
The names should reflect their dark, elven heritage by employing sharp sounds with mystifying undertones that convey mystery and intrigue. Consider names that combine elegance with menace for maximum impact!
3. Explore Drow Lore and Culture:
Drow history and customs can provide excellent sources of creative insight, with their names often reflecting matriarchy, complex politics, reverence for spiders, etc. Assimilate these themes into your name creation for added depth of tradition and intrigue!
Finding the best Drow name adds depth and mystery to both male and female characters you create; from over 300 options available, you are certain to create captivating dark elf creations that are sure to enthral any audience. Please share this article if you find it helpful!