Discover German folklore through its captivating culture of kobolds! These mythical creatures, often seen as weak “cannon fodder” monsters, are much more than mere background filler in Dungeons & Dragons campaigns; instead, they boast an extensive history that runs throughout fantasy storytelling and beyond!
We have assembled over 300 names of kobolds here for your gaming use, from cunning tricksters to trusted guardians of hidden treasures. Each name holds an intriguing spark of magic waiting to inspire new adventures! So get creative, grab those dice, unleash creativity – let’s bring life into new favorite characters!
DND Kobold Names
Step into the magical realm of D&D names, where every syllable spins an epic tale! From fierce dragon-slayers to cunning wizards, these names create an immersive tapestry of adventure & imagination, inviting you on epic journeys!
- Snik
- Klik
- Nix
- Zazz
- Snag
- Razzle
- Fizzle
- Kip
- Ziz
- Glix
- Snig
- Drex
- Rik
- Gizmo
- Slink
- Vex
- Zib
- Tink
- Rizzle
- Dizmo
- Yig-Yig
- Miggo
- Mokk
- Vigg
- Tazok
- Bafflebrisk
- Boggleblink
- Bungleboomer
- Crinklecrank
- Doodlefrisk
- Fizzlefuss
- Flusterflutter
- Frothfidget
- Glimmergadget
- Gobblegadget
- Gobblewink
- Jugglejinx
- Muddlemask
- Niftyknack
- PocketSprite
- Prankpatch
- Razzlewhirl
- Riddlewhisk
- Riffraffle
- Scamperstitch
- Sizzlestick
- Sneakyspark
- Tangletrick
- Tinkertrouble
- Trickletwist
- Tweaktickle
- Whiskerwobble
- Whirlwiggle
- Zigzagzest
- Quirkquake
Female Kobold Names
Finding female names for Kobolds can be like unearthing hidden gems within dark caves; each name tells its own secret tale of cunning and courage. From Lilka’s quick wit to Ember’s fiery spirit, these names bring alive their adventurous spirits.
- Sniv
- Grikka
- Zazz
- Rikkix
- Thrix
- Snaggle
- Glimmer
- Krix
- Sprocket
- Bix
- Snag
- Zizzik
- Kraggle
- Thud
- Gizmo
- Snik
- Plix
- Vex
- Zixx
- Glix
- Rixx
- Shrax
- Zazzle
- Snazz
- Wix
- Blithebounce
- Bubblesnicker
- Frolicwhisker
- Glimmerglee
- Jollyjinx
- Mirthmingle
- Scurrysparkle
- Ticklfluff
- Tittersprite
- Twirlgiggle
- Whiskerwisp
- Zanyzoom
- Jinx
- Boggle
- Zing
- Quix
- Razzle
- Snick
- Fizzle
- Zazzik
- Nackle
- Kibbles
- Snazzle
- Quag
- Snoot
- Zibble
Male Kabold Names

- Snorf
- Quix
- Zib
- Skree
- Glim
- Plix
- Blinx
- Snark
- Thimble
- Ziff
- Dribble
- Skitter
- Quag
- Fizzlewick
- Crackle
- Blix
- Sparky
- Squibble
- Nackle
- Quirk
- Dazzlebit
- Snitch
- Pib
- Scrabble
- Zip
- Tinker
- Bafflenudge
- Chucklecheese
- Fuddlefrisk
- Glimmering
- Jollyjinx
- Muddlewig
- Puddleplop
- Quirkquill
- Quipquibble
- Scurryscuffle
- Snickerdoodle
- Twinkletoes
- Wobblewhip
- Glimble
- Flick
- Snuffle
- Whistle
- Quill
- Zorp
- Sprock
- Crumb
- Jib
- Snig
- Tingle
- Whisker
- Skritch
- Quibble
Funny Kobold Names
Choosing funny names brings more charm and laughter into your campaign, making even tense moments lighter. With eye-catching names that mimic fireworks displays or bursts of colorful fireworks, your game takes on an extra playful aspect, keeping players smiling throughout its duration.
- Snifflesnout
- Boogerz
- Brainz
- Fartbuns
- Gemsnatch
- Nostinky
- Pukemore
- Snow
- Winksalot
- Gobstinker
- Scurryfur
- Nibblesnack
- Whiskerwham
- Munchcrunch
- Snaggletooth
- Sizzlefang
- Wobblewag
- Fizzlepop
- Grumblegut
- Chompchomp
- Squigglewig
- Badface
- Barfy
- Berrymouth
- Bigfoot
- Droolzy
- Feetsniff
- Fishix
- Jamie
- Leaderix
- Magicbreath
- Minealot
- Natadragon
- Nibbletoe
- Nohtoot
- Pimplescale
- Roachmunch
- Shorty
- Snoremuch
- Stinkpooh
- Stinkscale
- Twitchtail
- Scuttlebutt
- Gobbleguts
- Blinkblink
- Wrigglewag
- Tickletoes
- Muddlepudd
5e Kobold Names

- Meepo
- Draahzin
- Kib
- Zorn
- Squee
- Droop
- Vrakk
- Riktik
- Yip
- Fizzik
- Frikk
- Gnash
- Gorz
- Grizz
- Hiss
- Iados
- Klax
- Kixx
- Kriv
- Nyrx
- Razgar
- Rasp
- Skitter
- Slithers
- Snark
- Varr
- Xarx
- Yip-Yap
- Zazz
- Zug
- Grik
- Snaggle
- Rark
- Slik
- Vork
- Kazz
- Flibble
Pathfinder Kobold Names
- Tarkel
- Ssissi
- Bizzak
- Krissk
- Mikkik
- Fizzik
- Grakka
- Zizzik
- Thrik
- Snik
- Gribbik
- Vizzik
- Krik
- Yikkik
- Skizzle
- Zikzik
- Frizzik
- Snikkik
- Razzik
- Zarkik
- Toxxx
- Skrakk
Good Kobold Names
- Ember
- Flint
- Thistle
- Willow
- Swift
- Copper
- Bramble
- Pebble
- Whisper
- Spark
- Breeze
- Blaze
- Fern
- Timber
- Dewdrop
- Sable
- Frost
- Willow
- Feather
- Ivy
- Ace
- Bolt
- Cobalt
- Drift
- Dusk
- Eclipse
- Falcon
- Glacier
- Iron
- Jet
- Knight
- Lagoon
- Neon
- Onyx
- Peak
- Quartz
- Razor
- Rogue
- Spike
- Stealth
- Storm
- Tornado
- Venom
Dwarf Fortress Kobold Names

- Urist
- Kogan
- Doren
- Melbil
- Kadol
- Thob
- Flibbit
- Gliff
- Grizl
- Kazz
- Skrakk
- Slorb
- Tikkit
- Twyx
- Vyk
- Yittik
- Tath
- Zulban
- Lorbam
- Kodol
- Vucar
- Dolan
- Mobal
- Ukil
- Thikut
- Edem
- Bim
- Etur
- Lorbam
- Edim
Cute Kobold Names
Are you searching for cute name ideas for Kobolds? Their charming sound and whimsical nature add a sprinkle of joy that makes each encounter delightful! These names capture our hearts and imagination, creating magical encounters!
- Tinker
- Biscuit
- Puddle
- Sprinkle
- Glimmer
- Snicker
- Button
- Pippin
- Wisp
- Fuzzle
- Bumble
- Petal
- Noodle
- Doodle
- Peppy
- Dazzle
- Nibbles
- Blossom
- Bubbles
- Chipper
- Cuddles
- Dazzle
- Doodle
- Fluffy
- Fizzy
- Giggles
- Honey
- Hugsy
- Jingle
- Jolly
- Lolly
- Marshmallow
- Muffin
- Nuzzle
- Pipsqueak
- Puddles
- Quibble
- Ruffles
- Snuggles
- Squeak
- Tootsie
- Twinkle
- Whimsy
- Wiggles
- Yummy
- Zippy
Kobold Clan Names
Kobold clan names, packed with mischief and magic, evoke an ancient world filled with old tales and crafty tactics. These names tell tales of loyalty, survival, and hidden realms, revealing these clever, industrious beings who live together closely as clans.
- Fangfire Clan
- Shadowpaw Tribe
- Emberfang Clan
- Stoneshadow Tribe
- Swiftclaw Clan
- Ironscale Tribe
- Moonlight Clan
- Bloodclaw Tribe
- Blackscale Clan
- Sunspark Tribe
- Thunderjaw Clan
- Swiftscale Tribe
- Emberclaw Clan
- Darkmoon Tribe
- Steelclaw Clan
- Shadowfang Tribe
- Stonetooth Clan
- Firebrand Tribe
- Ironclaw Clan
- Swiftshadow Tribe
- Frostscale Clan
- Moonshadow Tribe
- Thunderclaw Clan
- Steeljaw Tribe
- Bloodscale Clan
- Emberfang Tribe
- Shadowclaw Clan
- Stonespark Tribe
- Swiftfire Clan
- Ironfang Tribe
Kobold Tribe Names
- Skyfire Tribe
- Scalecrest Clan
- Baffleband
- Emberhide Tribe
- Swiftfang Clan
- Boulderback Tribe
- Shadowtail Clan
- Flameclaw Tribe
- Ironscale Clan
- Thunderjaw Tribe
- Mistweaver Clan
- Stonetooth Tribe
- Bloodmoon Clan
- Swiftclaw Tribe
- Shadewalker Clan
- Emberfang Tribe
- Rockbreaker Clan
- Stormscale Tribe
- Moonshadow Clan
- Firefang Tribe
- Razorback Clan
Kobold Last Names
Kobold’s last names are fascinating, filled with history and oddness. Picture rugged stone-inspired surnames echoing their cavernous homes while others convey trickery or cunningness that belies their clever personalities. Each name tells a unique tale of heritage and mystery that leaves an intriguing trail behind it!
- Snaggletooth
- Quickfang
- Firetail
- Stoneclaw
- Sharpwhisker
- Darkfur
- Mudscale
- Swiftclaw
- Emberhide
- Ironfang
- Thornback
- Silentpaw
- Frostclaw
- Shadowfang
- Boulderback
- Sootscale
- Gleameye
- Redscale
- Tuskbreaker
- Whiptail
- Battlebeam
- Guffawgold
3 Tips to Come Up with the Perfect Names for Kobolds
Here are some things you should know when coming up with name ideas for Kobolds
1. Utilize a Kobold Names Generator
For quick and effortless name creation, the easiest solution may be using an online name generator tool like this one! These online generators offer many creative names that fit with the spirit and characteristics of Kobold characters—simply input your preferences or hit random to generate a list of potential names that best capture what characterizes your Kobold!
2. Draw Inspiration from Mythology
Kobolds have deep ties to mythology and folklore, offering ample material from traditional tales and legends for names that resonate authentically and meaningfully. They also add depth and history to your character and enrich the storytelling experience overall!
3. Combine Sounds and Syllables
For an unconventional yet memorable name for your Kobold, experiment with different sounds and syllables to create something truly distinctive and memorable. Experiment with hard consonants and playful vowels to create names that perfectly complement personality and role.
Exploring 300+ Kobold names offers a beautiful tapestry of culture and imagination.. Each name holds an intriguing story that transports you into another fantasy realm, where each name holds adventure, heritage, and intrigue for exploration!