200+ Middle Names That Start With A For Boys & Girls

Middle names nestled between first and last names carry their own charm, especially those beginning with “A.” Finding that perfect name can be an exciting adventure for middle name enthusiasts, filled with tradition, family ties, hopes, and dreams for our little ones.

Whether you’re naming a baby boy or girl, choosing a resonates middle name can make all the difference! Names such as Archer or Adeline could add magical qualities to their identities—let’s embark together on this incredible adventure of “A” names! Please don’t go anywhere; we have over 200 options from which you can choose!

Boy Middle Names That Start With A

Middle names that start with A

These names evoke strength and tradition. Whether your preference lies between classic or modern twist, adding “A” middle names promises to elevate a boy’s identity with flair and resonance while celebrating heritage and innovation in equal measure.

  1. Aaron: Hebrew origin, meaning “mountain of strength”
  2. Abel: Hebrew origin, meaning “breath, vapor.”
  3. Abraham: Hebrew origin, meaning “father of a multitude.”
  4. Abram: Hebrew origin, meaning “exalted father.”
  5. Ace: English origin, meaning “one, unity.”
  6. Aceon: Modern creation, meaning “Power and powerful.”
  7. Achilles: Greek origin, meaning “pain”
  8. Adam: Hebrew origin, meaning “soil, earth.”
  9. Addison: English origin, meaning “son of Adam”
  10. Adler: German origin, meaning “eagle.”
  11. Adrian: Latin origin, meaning “man of Adria”
  12. Aidan: Irish origin, meaning “little fire.”
  13. Aiden: Irish origin, meaning “little fire.”
  14. Ainsley: Scottish origin, meaning “woodland clearing.”
  15. Alain: French origin, from Alanus, meaning “little rock.”
  16. Alaric: Germanic origin, meaning “ruler of all”
  17. Albert: Germanic origin, meaning “noble, bright.”
  18. Alden: Old English origin, meaning “old friend”
  19. Alejandro: Spanish origin, meaning “defender of the people”
  20. Alex: Greek origin, short form of Alexander, meaning “to defend.”
  21. Alexander: Greek origin, meaning “defender of the people.”
  22. Alexis: Greek origin, meaning “defender.”
  23. Alfie: English origin, diminutive of Alfred, meaning “elf counsel”
  24. Alfred: English origin, meaning “wise counselor.”
  25. Ali: Arabic origin, meaning “high, exalted.”
  26. Alistair: Scottish origin, a form of Alexander, meaning “defender of the people.”
  27. Allen: Celtic origin, meaning “handsome, cheerful.”
  28. Alvin: Old English origin, meaning “noble friend.”
  29. Amari: African origin, meaning “strength, builder.”
  30. Ambrose: Greek origin, meaning “immortal.”
  31. Amos: Hebrew origin, meaning “carried, borne by God.”
  32. Anakin: Germanic origin, meaning “son of the eagle.”
  33. Anders: Scandinavian origin, meaning “manly, brave.”
  34. Anderson: Scandinavian origin, meaning “son of Andrew.”
  35. Andre: French origin, meaning “man, “warrior.”
  36. Andrew: Greek origin, meaning “manly, brave.”
  37. Andy: Greek origin, diminutive of Andrew, meaning “manly, brave.”
  38. Angelo: Italian origin, meaning “angel, messenger.”
  39. Angus: Celtic origin, meaning “one strength.”
  40. Ansel: German origin, meaning “god’s protection.”
  41. Anthony: Latin origin, possibly Etruscan, meaning “priceless one.”
  42. Anton: Latin origin, meaning “priceless” or “praiseworthy.”
  43. Antonio: Roman and Etruscan roots, meaning “highly praiseworthy.”
  44. Apollo: Greek origin, meaning “destroyer” (associated with light and music)
  45. Archer: English origin, meaning “bowman.”
  46. Archie: German origin, diminutive of Archibald, meaning “bold.”
  47. Arden: English origin, meaning “eagle valley.”
  48. Aric: English origin, modern creation, meaning uncertain
  49. Ariel: Hebrew origin, meaning “lion of God”
  50. Arion: Greek origin, meaning “melodious song.”
  51. Arledge: English origin, meaning “lake with the hares.”
  52. Arlo: Old English origin, meaning “fortified hill”
  53. Armando: Spanish and Italian origin, meaning “armed man.”
  54. Arman: Persian origin, meaning “desire, wish.”
  55. Armand: French origin, meaning “soldier.”
  56. Arnold: Germanic origin, meaning “eagle power.”
  57. Arthur: Celtic origin, meaning “bear man.”
  58. Arturo: Spanish and Italian origin, a variation of Arthur, meaning “bear.”
  59. Asa: Hebrew origin, meaning “physician.”
  60. Ash: English origin, short form of Ashley, meaning “ash tree clearing.”
  61. Ashby: English origin, meaning “ash tree farm”
  62. Asher: Hebrew origin, meaning “happy, blessed”
  63. Ashton: Old English origin, meaning “ash tree town.”
  64. Aspen: English origin from the tree name, meaning “shaking tree.”
  65. Atticus: Latin origin, meaning “man of Attica”
  66. Aubrey: Germanic origin, meaning “elf ruler.”
  67. Auden: English origin, meaning “old friend.”
  68. August: Latin origin, meaning “majestic, venerable”
  69. Augustine: Latin origin, meaning “majestic, venerable.”
  70. Augustus: Latin origin, meaning “majestic, venerable.”
  71. Aurelio: Spanish and Italian origin, meaning “golden”
  72. Aurelius: Latin origin, meaning “golden.”
  73. Austin: English origin, meaning “great, magnificent.”
  74. Avery: Old English origin, meaning “ruler of the elves.”
  75. Axel: Scandinavian origin, meaning “father of peace”
  76. Axle: English origin, modern creation, variant spelling of Axel
  77. Azariah: Hebrew origin, meaning “Yahweh has helped”
  78. Azriel: Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my help
  79. Aarav: Sanskrit origin, meaning “peaceful, calm”
  80. Aayan: Sanskrit origin, meaning “watchful path.”
  81. Abelardo: Spanish origin, meaning “noble strength.”
  82. Abner: Hebrew origin, meaning “father of light”
  83. Adan: French & Spanish form of Adam, meaning “man made from earth.”
  84. Adelio: Spanish and Italian origin, meaning “noble.”
  85. Adonis: Greek origin, meaning “lord.”
  86. Adriaan: Dutch origin is a form of Adrian, meaning “man of Adria.”
  87. Afton: Swedish origin, meaning “afternoon or evening”
  88. Ahmad: Arabic origin, meaning “highly praised.”
  89. Ahmed: Arabic origin, meaning “highly praised.”
  90. Ajay: Sanskrit origin, meaning “unconquered, invincible.”
  91. Alan: Celtic origin, meaning “handsome, cheerful.”
  92. Alejandro: Spanish origin, meaning “defender of mankind.”

Girl Middle Names That Start With A

Girl Middle names that start with A

Finding a middle name for your daughter can be like discovering a hidden gem! Middle names starting with A exude elegance and grace, adding timeless appeal. Whether sweet Amelia or sophisticated Alexandra, these names effortlessly complement and help build stories!

  1. Aaliyah: Arabic Origin, “high, exalted.”
  2. Abbie: Hebrew Origin, “My father is joyful.”
  3. Abigail: Hebrew Origin, “My father is joyful”
  4. Abilene: Hebrew Origin, “stream, grassy area.”
  5. Acacia: Greek Origin, “thorny”
  6. Ada: German Origin, “noble, nobility.”
  7. Adaline: German Origin, “noble.”
  8. Addison: English Origin, “son of Adam.”
  9. Adelaide: German Origin, “noble kind.”
  10. Adele: German Origin, “noble”
  11. Adelina: German Origin, “noble”
  12. Adriana: Latin Origin, “from Hadria”
  13. Adrienne: Latin Origin, “from Hadria”
  14. Agatha: Greek Origin, “good”
  15. Agnes: Greek Origin, “pure, holy.”
  16. Aileen: Irish Origin, “bright, shining light”
  17. Aisha: Arabic Origin, “alive, living.”
  18. Aislinn: Irish Origin, “dream, vision.”
  19. Alaina: Irish Origin, “harmony”
  20. Alana: Irish Origin, “little rock”
  21. Alani: Hawaiian Origin, “orange tree”
  22. Alba: Latin Origin, “dawn”
  23. Alberta: German Origin, “noble and bright.”
  24. Aleah: Hebrew Origin, “rising.”
  25. Alejandra: Spanish Origin, “defender of mankind.”
  26. Alessandra: Italian Origin, “defender of mankind.”
  27. Alexa: Greek Origin, “defender of mankind.”
  28. Alexandra: Greek Origin, “defender of womankind.”
  29. Alexandria: Greek Origin, “defender of humankind.”
  30. Alexis: Greek Origin, “defender”
  31. Alice: German Origin, “noble.”
  32. Alicia: Spanish Origin, “noble”
  33. Alina: Slavic Origin, “bright, beautiful”
  34. Alison: French Origin, “noble, exalted.”
  35. Alissa: Hebrew Origin, “joyful.”
  36. Allegra: Italian Origin, “joyful, lively”
  37. Allie: English Origin, “noble”
  38. Alma: Latin Origin, “nurturing, soul.”
  39. Althea: Greek Origin, “healer”
  40. Alyssa: Greek Origin, “rational”
  41. Amara: Greek Origin, “grace, immortal.”
  42. Amarachi: Igbo Nigeria origin “God’s Grace”
  43. Amanda: Latin Origin, “worthy of love.”
  44. Amber: Arabic Origin, “jewel.”
  45. Amelia: German Origin, “work”
  46. Amelie: French Origin, “hardworking”
  47. Amira: Arabic Origin, “princess”
  48. Amy: French Origin, “beloved”
  49. Ana: Hebrew Origin, “grace.”
  50. Anastasia: Greek Origin, “resurrection”
  51. Anaya: Hebrew Origin, “God answered.”
  52. Andrea: Greek Origin, “brave”
  53. Angel: Greek Origin, “messenger”
  54. Angela: Greek Origin, “angel”
  55. Angelica: Latin Origin, “angelic”
  56. Angelina: Greek Origin, “angel”
  57. Anika: Sanskrit Origin, “grace”
  58. Ann: Hebrew Origin, “gracious.”
  59. Anna: Hebrew Origin, “favor, grace.”
  60. Annabelle: French Origin, “loving”
  61. Anne: Hebrew Origin, “grace.”
  62. Annette: French Origin, “grace.”
  63. Anneliese: German Origin, “grace, pledged to God”
  64. Annika: German Origin, “Merciful”
  65. Ansley: English Origin, “hermitage field.”
  66. Anthea: Greek Origin, “flowery”
  67. Antonia: Latin Origin, “priceless.”
  68. April: Latin Origin, “to open”
  69. Arabella: Latin Origin, “yielding to prayer.”
  70. Aria: Hebrew Origin, “lioness”
  71. Ariadne: Greek Origin, “most holy.”
  72. Ariana: Latin Origin, “most holy.”
  73. Arianna: Greek Origin, “very holy.”
  74. Ariel: Hebrew Origin, “lion of God.”
  75. Ariella: Hebrew Origin, “lion of God.”
  76. Arielle: Hebrew Origin, “lion of God.”
  77. Arlene: Irish Origin, “pledge”
  78. Arlette: French Origin, “Lion of God.”
  79. Arlinda: Spanish Origin, “beautiful”
  80. Arlo: Spanish Origin, “barberry tree”
  81. Artemis: Greek Origin, “goddess of the moon”
  82. Arya: Sanskrit Origin, “noble”
  83. Ashley: English Origin, “ash tree meadow.”
  84. Ashlyn: Irish Origin, “dream”
  85. Aspen: English Origin, “tree”
  86. Astrid: Scandinavian Origin, “divine strength”
  87. Athena: Greek Origin, “goddess of wisdom”
  88. Audrey: English Origin, “noble strength.”
  89. Augusta: Latin Origin, “majestic”
  90. Aurelia: Latin Origin, “golden.”
  91. Aurora: Latin Origin, “dawn”
  92. Autumn: Latin Origin, “fall season”
  93. Ava: Origin is uncertain, “birdlike, desire.”
  94. Avalon: Celtic Origin, “island of apples”
  95. Aviana: Latin Origin, “like a bird”
  96. Avril: French Origin, “April”
  97. Ayla: Hebrew Origin, “oak tree”

Hispanic Middle Names That Start With A

  1. Alonso – “Noble and ready”
  2. Antonio – “Priceless” or “of inestimable worth”
  3. Arturo – “Bear” or “courageous”
  4. Alberto – “Noble” or “bright”
  5. Andrés – “Manly” or “brave”
  6. Ariel – “Lion of God”
  7. Augusto – “Great” or “magnificent”
  8. Alfonso – “Noble and ready”
  9. Adán – “Man” or “earth”
  10. Ángel – “Angel” or “messenger”
  11. Armando – “Army man” or “soldier”
  12. Amado – “Beloved” or “loved one”
  13. Abelardo – “Noble and steadfast”
  14. Agustín – “Venerable” or “great”
  15. Alvaro – “Guardian” or “protector”
  16. Anselmo – “Protected by God”
  17. Aurelio – “Golden” or “golden-haired”

Famous People With Middle Names Beginning With A.

  1. John Adams Quincy – 6th President of the United States
  2. David Arquette James – American actor and producer
  3. Marco Anthony Muniz – American singer, actor, and producer
  4. Jennifer Aniston Joanna – American actress, producer, and businesswoman
  5. Leonardo Ashton Wilhelm – American actor and film producer
  6. Robert Allen Zimmerman – American singer-songwriter
  7. Michael Andrew Fox – Canadian-American activist.
  8. William Arthur Philip Louis – Duke of Cambridge (Prince William)
  9. Nick A. Fisher – American Child Actor
  10. Stephen Anthony Smith – American TV personality
  11. Tobias A. Schliessler – A German cinematographer.
  12. George A. Billings – An American Actor
  13. Lincoln A. Castellanos – An American Actor
  14. Rodney Arnold Grant – An American Actor

Gender-Neutral Middle Names That Start with A

Here are some names males and females can bear. Although we have listed some in the above sections of this article

  1. Alex
  2. Avery
  3. Arden
  4. Ash
  5. Aspen
  6. Aubrey
  7. Ari
  8. Addison
  9. August
  10. Ainsley
  11. Arlo
  12. Azariah
  13. Amory
  14. Adair
  15. Afton


Middle names can be the perfect opportunity to add depth and personality to one’s identity. From honoring tradition to modern creativity, each name holds potential that could resonate for a lifetime of memories and fondness. Please share this article if you find it helpful, and let us know which name is your top pick!